
Sustainability and innovation in trays and pots: Modiform remains a leader

Sustainability and innovation are the two key words you can easily associate with Modiform. This specialist in cultivation, transport, and packaging systems proudly showcases its capabilities again at trade fair GrootGroenPlus. The latest developments in Thomsen Pot containers, propagation, and transport trays will be highlighted. Special attention will be given to the unique 1933 tree tray, which was developed in collaboration with Boomkwekerij Anton Buitenhuis.


Green-One brightens up GrootGroenPlus

As a large tree nursery in the region, Green-One cannot be missing from trade fair GrootGroenPlus. The growers also believe that the green trade fair could use a bit more colour. Plenty of reasons to bring a selection of the most beautifully flowering perennials from their range. In C2-containers, since that is what the company is known for.


New owner, new name, same trusted quality

At the start of this year, Stijn van der Loo took over the family business from his parents. In line with the future and the international nature of the cutting company in Biezenmortel, he changed the name to Young Plants Holland. As the name suggests, the company produces rooted cuttings for the tree nursery industry—a tradition they have upheld for 40 years. This year, Van der Loo will present both his products and the new name (which isn’t entirely new) at GrootGroenPlus.


"Our strength is in labour-intensive cultivation"

Paul Vergeer of the eponymous tree nursery deliberately opts for labour-intensive cultivation and an extensive assortment. During GrootGroenPlus, he will showcase as much as possible, including Hydrangea paniculata ‘Skyfall’ on stem. Nearly the entire assortment consists of ornamental shrubs on stem.


Hein Verpaalen: "There is a great connection between GrootGroenPlus and our company"

Cornus ‘Nightfall’ is a new shrub in the assortment of Boomkwekerij Verpaalen. The company, co-owned by Hein Verpaalen is presenting ‘Nightfall’ at GrootGroenPlus. This trade fair is the ideal start of the delivery season for Boomkwekerij Verpaalen.


From C5 to 1.000-litre pot

Conifers as far as the eye can see. In all kinds of shapes and shades, and especially in various sizes. In Scandinavia and around twenty other countries, Kwekerij De Bloemenkampen is renowned for its wide assortment, numerous pot sizes, and shaped trees. From Nunspeet, the growers will bring some of their selections to trade fair GrootGroenPlus.


Ornamental shrubs in cultivation trays

Boomkwekerij M.G. de Boer cv will be present again at this year's edition of trade fair GrootGroenPlus, to promote their product. The company grows a wide range of ornamental shrubs in cultivation trays.


Colours in the tree nursery: why certain colours do not exist in plants

Anyone who takes a look at an average tree nursery can’t miss the overwhelming presence of green. Green is the signature colour of the nursery stock industry. It’s no coincidence that the largest industry-specific trade fair is called GrootGROENPlus (‘Groen’ being Dutch for GREEN). But why is that? Why is green the predominant colour found in nature? Why can’t we brighten up our gardens with a beautiful blue Ginkgo? And what possibilities do we have for creating beautiful, colourful plants? We delved into these questions.


Bee mortality rate remains high, but not due to neonics

This past winter, the mortality rate among honeybees was again significant. During the initial inspections of beehives, beekeepers found that many colonies had died or were severely weakened. There are various causes for this, and further research is certainly needed. However, it is already clear that the high bee mortality rate this time is not caused by neonics. But neonics are not the only enemies bees face. Several other factors can weaken a bee colony. Let’s explore some of these causes.


Pot and container cultivation: indispensible in the nursery stock industry

In the past, nursery crops were always grown in open grounds. However, when pot and container cultivation began to take off in the Netherlands in the late 1970s, it opened up entirely new possibilities. For example, plants grown in pots or containers do not have a specific planting season and can be planted year-round, as long as the ground isn’t frozen.


Challenges of an extremely wet winter and spring for tree nurseries and existing green spaces

This past winter and spring, more rainfall has been recorded than in previous years. This has posed significant challenges for many tree nurseries and existing green spaces, such as city parks and gardens. Overflowing waterways and saturated soils are not just a temporary inconvenience; they have long-lasting effects on the health and growth of trees and plants.


MPS introduces MPS-GreenerGrown

More and more growers are substantially reducing the amount of crop protection agents they use. Those who are at the forefront of reducing their use of these products are keen to differentiate themselves. Now they can, with the new MPS add-on: MPS-GreenerGrown.


Harshest weather in many years plagues Zunders tree nurseries

Extremely wet in spring, super dry in summer, with even irrigation bans, again downpours in autumn. Tree growers in Zundert, but also in other parts of the Netherlands, have to dig deep into their memories to recall such unusual weather conditions. Even Dutch television paid attention.


Tree growers in Belgium are also victims of extreme rainfall

The extreme rainfall in recent weeks is also causing damage in tree nurseries in Belgium. Tree growers are not always able to get into the fields to grub these weeks, when sales are at a peak.


Minister Adema moves fast for reduction in use of glyphosate

Following the European Commission's decision to extend the European authorisation of glyphosate as an active substance by 10 years, Dutch minister of Agriculture Adema will quickly map out how to further reduce the use of glyphosate in the Netherlands. The minister writes this to the House of Representatives.


Plant protects offspring through the soil

Plants infected with a water fungus influence the bacteria in the soil such that they in turn protect the next generation of plants from the same pathogen. Remarkably, the suppression of the disease by the bacteria seems to take place precisely on the plant's stem and leaves. This is what researchers from Utrecht University write in the scientific journal Nature Microbiology. The new knowledge offers the prospect of less dependence on plant protection products


Weedkiller glyphosate allowed in EU for another 10 years

The herbicide glyphosate, developed by US company Monsanto and marketed as Round-Up, may still be used in the European Union for the next 10 years. This was decided by the European Commission on 16 November.


Jiffy offers tailor-made solutions to 'peat-free' issue

Demand for peat-free crops continues to grow. In the coming years, ahead of legislation in the UK, this demand is also expected to continue to grow. The step towards becoming peat-free is a big one, also realises Jiffy, which has added peat-free substrates to their product portfolio. For every crop, the company looks for a peat-free solution


Thorn-free winter colour: the new Pyracantha Orange-Star

Plantipp introduces a new addition to the range of plants you can use to bring gardens and landscapes to life during the cold months.Pyracantha coccinea Orange-Star is a beautiful thorn-free shrub that is not only colourful but also easy to maintain.


Klasmann-Deilmann responds to increasing demand for composted bark

Across the board, there is great attention for the sustainable use of fossil raw materials. This need is felt by end users, authorities, customers and suppliers alike. That is why Klasmann-Deilmann and their subsidiaries focus on the development of renewable raw materials. And their availability.