Technology in the genes


One of the regulars at trade fair GrootGroenPlus is Elco Machinebouw; and the same goes for the upcoming edition. Outdoors, several machines will be showcased, mainly for plant harvesting and weed control, as well as for soil cultivation and crop care. But Sven and Niek Elst also have a story to tell. Plenty of reasons to visit the company's stand at the trade fair.

source: Heidi Peters

Elco Machinebouw started out in the early 1990s with the development and construction of new garden and tree nursery machines. Founder and entrepreneur Jef Elst started small, in his workshop. In 2024, the workshop turned into a factory, although they still refer to it as 'the workshop' among themselves. After a move in the late 1990s, the current location has been expanded several times. A team of ten people now works there. Recently, Jef Elst handed the company over to his sons Niek and Sven. "Although he's still quite present," Sven laughs. "We’re trying to encourage him to spend more time with his grandchildren."

Long-term collaboration

The generational change took place in 2022, but the sons were already active in the company for years. Niek Elst runs the machine factory full-time, and Sven supports him one day a week, mainly in export trading. Although the focus was originally on the Zundert region, machines are increasingly being sold far beyond borders. Marc Lodders of Boomkwekerij Lodders and NL Plant has been a customer since the beginning. He regularly tests Elco's innovations, which often stay at the tree nursery. "When customers from abroad want to see our machines, we often go to Marc's tree nursery," says Sven Elst. "It’s, of course, a great reference for us when visitors see so many Elco machines in the shed." By investing in automation, we keep up with the pace and we limit price increases" "Our collaboration dates back to the 1990s," says Lodders. "When we had an idea for a machine modification, Elco got to work. Conversely, they still come to us with innovations to try out. And if it works, we keep the machine, of course. That’s how we continuously develop better machines together."

Triple weeder

Among the machines from Elco Machinebouw that Lodders owns are three pickup units, a root-cutting knife, lift masts, and a hoeing machine, row sprayer, and weeder for three beds wide. "We were the first to work with these machines," says Lodders. "The period in which we can use them is getting shorter, so we need to increase production. For three single weeders, you need three drivers, but there’s a shortage of drivers. Together, we looked at how we could make it work with just one driver, and we succeeded. We consult each other for advice and help."

Automation for affordability and speed

Elco's machines are known for their heavy-duty quality. Lodders says, "A moving hinge might need to be replaced occasionally, but the construction lasts long. I hope the next generation continues using the same high-quality materials." Sven Elst agrees: "We outsource hardly anything; we make 95% of the machine ourselves. To avoid excessive price increases, we have invested in automation. Labour is scarce and expensive. Just look at the new small metalworking collective agreement: wages will increase by 13% over the next few years. By automating, we can limit price increases. Our workshop now has a welding robot and several CNC machines. This ensures that we can deliver relatively quickly and tailor-made while maintaining quality. That also means we have semi-finished products and spare parts in stock."

Shaking, collecting and weed control

Elco Machinebouw operates in a niche market. Most machines stay in the Netherlands, but the tree nurseries that buy them are growing and exporting, so Elco’s products are being seen all over the world. Now, they export throughout Europe and even to the United States. "Exports are an important growth market for us," says Sven Elst. "Many people know us for our lifter shakers and plant collectors, but we’re now also focusing on weed control machines. In the Netherlands, and increasingly in the rest of Europe, there are strict regulations for the use of crop protection products. That’s why the Netherlands is an interesting testing ground for us. We’ve now developed several modular tool carriers that allow for spraying and hoeing, in combination with, for example, air or weed harrows. And demand for this is growing." 

Modular system

With the modular system, customers can use tools flexibly. For example, there are tool carriers with hoe elements to which a spray hood can be attached instead of the hoe. The tool carrier is row-guided and can be expanded as desired, from a single to a triple machine. Elst: "We try to approach this as smartly as possible. Companies switching from chemical to mechanical weed control can reuse their investment this way. We aim to develop machines that are technically reliable and affordable. We’re seeing the emergence of all kinds of technologies that are sometimes very useful but often much more expensive and sometimes less reliable. That’s why we generally focus on smart solutions that are modular or easy to repair. For example, we’ve designed the row control to be sensor-guided rather than camera-guided. This also works for plants that have just been planted. We believe this offers our customers a reliable and affordable solution with the latest technologies, but not too complicated."


As already mentioned, the Elst family entrepreneurs don’t just wait around. But there’s more, says Sven Elst: "We’re also working on several other new developments. We’ve built a new model weeder that follows the ground. This weeder is now on the market. Additionally, we’re working on a system that allows hoeing between the plants. We aim to showcase something of this at GrootGroenPlus. Afterward, we’ll further develop this innovation so that it can be tested and introduced next year." Lodders: "We have complete trust in these people. If they come up with something and say it’s good, then it is good. This makes collaboration easy. Foreign customers see our machines and the quality of the root systems of our products, and this convinces them that the machines are excellent."
