ODV Techniek continues to innovate with the next generation weeding machine


Mechanical weed control is on the rise as the use of herbicides is increasingly restricted. One of the leading alternatives is the Weed Profi by ODV Techniek. This modular weeding machine is continuously being developed and improved, with input from growers playing a crucial role. Tree nursery Growera and Bressers Laanbomen are already satisfied users of the Weed Profi and they are happy to share their positive experiences with its fine-tuning.

Bron: Emiel te Walvaart

One of the users of the Weed Profi is Growera, a tree nursery from Kesteren specialising in the cultivation of one- and two-year-old standard trees, or whips. The nursery spans 15 hectares, where around 75,000 rootstocks are planted each year to grow to sizes ranging from 175-200 cm to 8-10 cm in circumference. In addition to field production, Growera has been producing 50,000 whips in C3 containers since 2016.


Growera has been using the pulled Weed Profi weeding machine with harrow discs from ODV Techniek for a few months now. Niels Sukkel, an employee at Growera, says: "We initially started with ground-following disc harrows. However, due to the wet soil in the spring, they didn't work well in our fields. We then switched to ground-following hoeing elements, which performed much better. In February this year, we purchased the Weed Profi with ground-following harrow discs. We opted for the narrow 1.50-meter-wide version, as our row spacing is 1.35 meters. Since our young trees don’t need as much light, we plant them as close together as possible to optimise space." Since June, Growera has had seven rounds of weeding. According to Sukkel, timing is crucial: "The soil shouldn't be too dry or too wet. After a rain shower, the soil needs to be dry enough not to damage the soil structure with the tractor tires, but still moist enough to allow the hoeing elements to penetrate a few centimetres." Growera purchased the Weed Profi specifically for weeding between the rows. The tree nursery aims to transition more toward mechanical weed control, as chemical weed control faces increasing restrictions, particularly in wet winters with significant runoff into surface water. Sukkel explains: "It's better to be proactive about reducing pesticide use than to be forced to make drastic changes when spraying is no longer allowed." The weeding machine is also equipped with an APV pneumatic sower, allowing them to apply fertilisers while weeding, saving an additional pass over the field. They also use the sower for grass sowing.

Reducing the use of pesticides

The grower is pleased with the benefits of the Weed Profi: "We barely need any herbicides anymore. We only use the sprayer on areas where the hoe can't reach. The soil is almost entirely clean. While chemical weed control still works better overall, it has negative effects on soil life, which we try to mitigate with the Weed Profi." He notes one area for improvement: "We'd like to drive faster, but the close spacing of the plants makes that difficult. At higher speeds, the swing hoes don’t reach between the trees as they retract when the next tree touches the sensor." Overall, he sees the Weed Profi as a machine for the future. "We can certainly make further adjustments with ODV Techniek to better suit our short plant distances. Whenever you start using a new machine, there are always small improvements to be made. You also get better at using it over time. We can fix many issues ourselves, but if, for example, a sensor fails, ODV is quick to help us out. Downtime is not an option."

Hoeing weeds

Bressers Laanbomen, another tree nursery, also uses an ODV Weed Profi. The company grows a wide range of standard trees, with trunk circumferences ranging from 10-12 cm to 20-25 cm at the time of delivery. Bressers Laanbomen in Oirschot started using the Weed Profi more than two years ago, and they opted for one equipped with rotary swing hoes. "These hoes have flat blades that can swing between the trees," explains Paul Bressers, owner of the tree nursery. He was also interested in cultivating heads along the row—a module ODV Techniek was developing for the weeding machine. "These cultivating heads can break up the soil and weeds. That’s why I initially chose the Weed Profi. We aim to minimise spraying, and if you want to stop winter spraying, the soil needs to be thoroughly cultivated in spring to manage weeds for the rest of the year." That was one of the main thoughts behind the purchase. We really want to minimise spraying. After ODV completed development of the cultivating head module, Bressers began testing it this spring on the standard hoeing machine, with success. "We work with grass lanes and only need to hoe along the black strip near the trees," he says, pleased with the results.

Difficulties with hoeing in wet conditions

"This year, it’s been especially challenging to hoe due to the extremely wet conditions. Nevertheless, we’ve managed to avoid spraying since last summer. The advantage of the cultivating heads is that they can even handle weeds up to 10 cm tall. Afterward, we mow and hoe with another machine in one pass, which works well due to the loosened soil. This is crucial if we are to avoid spraying, and the Weed Profi with cultivating heads is indispensable for this." According to Bressers, the Weed Profi is the only machine capable of effectively hoeing the black strip when there are weeds, especially when skipping winter spraying. "The added benefit is that after hoeing, we can continue with standard weeding machines." Besides being happy with the quality of the machine, Bressers is also very satisfied with the collaboration with ODV Techniek. Bressers: "I first encountered the company a few years ago at GrootGroenPlus, where they showcased the Weed Profi. I was immediately interested, and after a demo, we purchased the machine. The demo with ODV went well, allowing us to further optimise and fine-tune the machine. Their service is excellent—they’re always ready to help if needed."

Some Weed Profi specifications

  Modular (multiple attachments; can be front-mounted, rear-mounted, or towed)

  Hydraulically adjustable working width with automatic row width adjustment

  Follows rows: machine width adjusts automatically to row spacing

  Swing hoes and row following controlled by a light sensor

  Working speed: up to 7 km/h with swing hoes, up to 15 km/h without

  Lightweight machine compatible with any tractor of at least 30 hp

Optional features: hydraulically driven rotary swing hoes, torsion-sprung harrow discs (ground-following), ground-following hoe blades, torsion weeders, harrow teeth, crumble roller, support wheels, and row sprayer with spot spray (triggered by the swing hoe sensor). ODV Techniek develops and manufactures machines for tree nurseries and arable farming. The company continuously improves its machines and innovates with new solutions and equipment. ODV is now active in several countries within and outside of Europe.

GrootGroenPlus Route green, stand number G054

