Traycon installs container fields with smart solutions


Traycon Projecten has already made a name for itself with the installation of container and tray fields. Using GPS technology, the specialised company from Sprundel precisely and efficiently carries out cultivation floor projects. For this, Traycon has its own extensive GPS-controlled fleet of machinery at its disposal. No-nonsense and no fuss, that's an important motto for the company's working method and customer approach. Director-owner Antoon Vissers of Traycon highlights the activities and latest developments of his company.

Bron: Emiel te Walvaart

Since 2004, Traycon has gained a reputation for the installation of container and tray fields known for their durability and good price-quality ratio. The container fields are mainly intended for tree nurseries, while the tray fields are for strawberry cultivation. Director-owner Antoon Vissers looks back on the start of Traycon: "At first, I only took on projects for cultivation floors and outsourced as much as possible. But we soon started laying and installing ground cloths ourselves. Since 2007, when I bought my first small crane, I have further developed Traycon into a full-fledged company specialised in container and tray fields. We now have a fleet of seven cranes, twelve tractors, and five loaders. Since then, we have only grown, and it has gone fast. We now employ around twenty people." As of 2024, Traycon installs cultivation floors for growers across the Netherlands and Belgium, as well as part of Germany. The focus remains on Zundert and the surrounding area.

Increase in water basin installations

Vissers has no specific ambitions for further growth of his company: "Whatever comes, comes," is his no-nonsense approach. "I don’t have the goal to, for example, have a certain number of employees in five years. Word-of-mouth is the best promotion. Advertising has not really been necessary so far, as the work comes to us. Four years ago, we started digging and installing water basins ourselves, and since then, those activities have grown rapidly. These basins for recycling water have become popular, partly due to the dry summers we've had recently." Three-quarters of Traycon's revenue comes from the installation of container and tray fields; the rest comes from subcontractor work in road construction and the green industry. According to Vissers, the Brabant-based company stands out with no-nonsense solutions: "We always do what we promise and avoid all the fuss. What you see is what you get. I notice that all our customers are satisfied with us. Plus, we don’t charge top prices, and we only install what is really needed—nothing unnecessary. Our goal is to simply execute the proposed concept well and make sure it works properly."

Traycon has its own extensive GPS-controlled fleet of machinery.

Traycon finds it very important that customers are closely involved with the process. Vissers: "We do this from the start, with an initial meeting at the grower’s site. We then measure the fields using GPS and create a clear drawing showing how the fields with cultivation floors will look. This forms the basis for the quotation; all the figures are accurate right from the start. If the customer accepts the quotation, we create a 3D design of the project. We carry out everything in 3D with GPS, and all lines and depths are detailed in the design. Most of our equipment is equipped with GPS. This way, you don’t encounter surprises. If minor adjustments are needed in the design at the customer’s request, we can make them within five minutes using our GPS system from the laptop in our office."

Ebb-and-flow floors with tiles

Traycon installs various types of cultivation floors, depending on the crops to be grown on them. Vissers: "If you have plants that are sensitive to root rot, it’s better to use a lava floor rather than a cultivation floor on soil. There's a significant price difference between the two, but we give honest advice about the right floor. The ebb-and-flow floor is in a higher segment and is available in various types, such as lava, concrete, or tile bases." The installation of an ebb-and-flow floor with 30 by 30 cm tiles has proven popular among growers, Vissers notes. "On a concrete floor, there’s always some puddling. This doesn't happen with a lava or tile floor. Every 30 cm, there’s a seam between the tiles, allowing the water to drain away. The advantage of a tile floor is that you can drive a Danish trolley over it; this isn’t possible with a lava floor. We have already installed many tile floors, including at Van Son & Koot in Kaatsheuvel. This grower is very pleased with it and wants the same floor again for his upcoming new construction."


Vissers keeps an eye on market developments. He aims to improve Traycon's products when necessary or when something new comes along. "At the moment, there aren’t many truly innovative developments in the field of cultivation floors. One example is the grey ground cloth that’s becoming popular now. It’s perhaps a slightly bigger investment, but it's better for the plants. Black ground cloth tends to get quite warm when the sun is shining."

Haven't missed a single edition

At trade fair GrootGroenPlus, Traycon will focus on the installation of container fields, including the popular water basins. "We’ll also highlight what we can do around them. We supply and install concrete slabs, can pour concrete, and ensure water drainage via the gutter or path. We want to inform visitors at the trade fair about these possibilities. To my knowledge, we haven’t missed a single edition of GrootGroenPlus as participants in our twenty years of existence. When you’re located so close by, you really can’t stay away. Plus, we want to show our face every year and maintain relationships."
