The power of the collective

David Bömer
David Bömer

One of the participants at trade fair GrootGroenPlus trade is the Coöperatieve Vereniging Treeport Zundert e.o. U.A. (Treeport), which consists of approximately 180 tree growers from the wider region. Treeport also actively collaborates with alliance partners, including the Brabantse Delta water board. Manager David Bömer says: "We engage in discussions with a positive, constructive attitude."

Source: Heidi Peters

"As Treeport, we strive to give our members an advantage over their colleagues to keep their position strong," explains David Bömer, who has been the manager of Coöperatieve Vereniging Treeport for eight years. "We do this by working together with our members, with other tree-growing regions, and with alliance partners. We operate from a positive mindset: how can something be achieved? Not from an activist standpoint of: how can we stop this?"

We operate from a positive mindset and keep the conversation going."

Treeport has about 180 members and 12 alliance partners. One of these partners is the Brabantse Delta water board. "It's an organisation that some companies may view as a threat. But we, as a cooperative, take a very different approach. In the end, this yields more results," Bömer has learned.

Talking about water

René Rijken works at the water board as an area advisor for the municipality of Zundert and as an agricultural account manager. As an area advisor, he is the point of contact for all water-related matters. In his role as account manager, he has been collaborating with agricultural groups for years to find ways to improve water quality. In 2018, the focus also shifted to water availability. "A water extraction ban, like the one in the summer of 2018, is very disruptive for a tree grower. That's why we quickly sat down with Treeport and the daily management of the water board. Since then, the collaboration has only intensified, with the aim of improving water quality and encouraging the industry to adopt more sustainable water practices. This includes returning as much water as possible to ensure future water usage."

Groundwater extraction

One of the collaborative projects between Treeport and the Brabantse Delta water board focuses on water availability. The project is called 'Zicht op water' (Focus on Water). Rijken explains: "In the Zundert region, we can't introduce water; we can only retain it. However, the groundwater is good. The need to use this sparingly became especially relevant in 2018. Under the 'Water in Balance' initiative, many meaningful projects were launched with the goal of ensuring as much water is replenished as is used. Examples include implementing specific irrigation techniques or disconnecting rainwater drainage from the sewage system. 'Zicht op water' is one of these projects, aiming to monitor when groundwater is extracted and how much. Digital meters have been installed on water pumps at various businesses, including tree growers, fruit farmers, and a livestock farmer. This data is accessible to both the entrepreneur and the water board but is not shared beyond that. We've been working closely with the agricultural sector in the region for a long time, so there's a strong sense of trust."

"Many water board projects directly impact us. Support is built through collaboration with alliance partners."

Bömer adds: "As part of the 'Zicht op water' project, 13 initiatives were launched, nine of which directly affect our industry. You can look at this critically, but also constructively. By working with the water board, the municipality of Zundert, and the province, and by considering the interests of the industry, support for all these projects is built. By investing in the relationships between all these organisations and Treeport, the industry as a whole will ultimately benefit."          

Tensiometers and water level meters on the farm

Other alliance partners include Rabobank, Treeport BCT Partners (ROOTZ), Curio, Vincent van GoghHuis, the municipality of Zundert, CLTV and stichting EPS. Bömer explains: "Each alliance partner has their own perspective on the tree nursery industry. You need to connect with them to find common interests and to be able to strengthen each other." 


Both Coöperatie Treeport and the Brabantse Delta water board participate in GrootGroenPlus. Brabantse Delta showcases the 'Water in Balance' initiative, and 'Zicht op Water' is also highlighted. Participants who participate in 'Zicht op Water' will have a reference to the project in their stands. Rijken adds: "Because Treeport consistently takes a proactive approach by engaging in discussions, we view the cooperative as a full partner. This is not only true for us at the water board but also for the municipality, the province, and even at the national level. Treeport is recognised as an active tree-growers' group that sits down with all parties. Even the provincial representative comes to talk with us as part of the 'Water in Balance' initiative, and thanks to Treeport, they see that the agricultural sector has a very positive attitude—much more positive than in the nitrogen debate."

Bömer adds: "There are so many interests at play. But when you seek out connections, collaborate, and recognise that the area belongs to all of us, that we all have a responsibility, you will find solutions. It's not about the strongest or the loudest voice. We need to be aware of changing circumstances. If something needs to happen, at least give the other parties a chance to come up with a solution. We're not a political organisation, but we try to communicate our interests in a good way. Right now, we're doing fairly well. For us, the water board is a natural partner, and we'll showcase that at GrootGroenPlus."


About 25 percent of the participants at GrootGroenPlus are members of Coöperatie Treeport. The showcase stands are set up collectively. "As a collective, you can achieve a lot. The more actively a tree grower participates in the cooperative, the more it benefits their own," Bömer notes. "The members who actively engage in the thinking processes, projects, and discussions have a much more positive outlook on water issues than those who remain uninvolved. Unfamiliarity breeds contempt, and that's true on both sides." Rijken adds: "If you don't know each other, you can't make good decisions. You need to be able to tell each other's stories."

Both within and outside the cooperative, forming a collective is important. That's why Treeport consciously has sought out alliance partners. "The recreational function of our region is also important to us. We need to be open and at least try to understand the other's perspective. The annual organisation of the Kwekerijenloop, in collaboration with the Van Gogh Run Zundert and the West Brabant Triathlon Association, is a great example of this. It makes it worthwhile for other parties to have us at the table, and that creates synergy."

