Harshest weather in many years plagues Zunders tree nurseries


Extremely wet in spring, super dry in summer, with even irrigation bans, again downpours in autumn. Tree growers in Zundert, but also in other parts of the Netherlands, have to dig deep into their memories to recall such unusual weather conditions. Even Dutch television paid attention.

The fertile Zundert nursery soils are saturated with rain. Planting and grubbing up is out of the question in these conditions. And it has been bizarre all this year. Growth went too fast, or there was no growth. One period, growers were short of hands to do all the work and then they couldn't work again. And because of the hot summer, leaves also stayed on the trees for a long time. These kinds of conditions do not make things easier for the companies financially either. Even the EO television programme 'This is the Afternoon' came to Zundert to see how the growers could still do their work.