
"Green Agora" by GREEN ITALY, the usual seminar and networking format on the topics of green and natural landscape, organised by Fiere di Parma as part of the Flormart 2024 trade fair, is kicking off again in Parma.

The initiative, sponsored by the municipality of Parma, is scheduled for Thursday 18 January at 9.30am in the iconic venue of the Palazzo del Governatore This is the first in a series of engagements that will take Flormart - GREEN ITALY, the exhibition on floriculture, greenery and landscaping, which is being organised again in Padua this year from 25 to 27 September, on an international tour. 

Agrivoltaic energy

The appointment on 18 January is an opportunity to go deeper into the topic of agrivoltaic energy, which is highly topical and was also relaunched on a national scale by a very recent editorial by Alessandro Gassman. Agrivoltaic systems basically integrate clean and renewable energy generation facilities and agricultural production. The very need for agriculture and energy production to coexist within the same cultivable area has significantly stimulated the search for innovative and landscape-friendly solutions. Among the pioneers of this world are young researchers from the University of Florence, who have set up an interdepartmental start-up dedicated to designing agro-energy landscapes that do not disturb the natural elements of the land. 

Also for ornamentals

This interrssant novelty does not leave ornamental growers indifferent, for two reasons: first, energy production can be integrated with ornamental cultivation and encourage the cultivation of plants with different requirements for light exposure. And not only that. Recent regulatory provisions precisely define the resources allocated with the PNRR for agrovoltaic energy, complementing those supporting photovoltaic energy for rural buildings. Agrovoltaics can therefore become an exceptional driving force for Italian nurseries (especially container nurseries), thanks to its ability to generate an authentic circular economy within agricultural and horticultural businesses, including tree nurseries.