Myplant approaches, with 50,000 square metres dedicated to greenery.


From 21 to 23 February, Myplant, Italy's largest ornamental plant trade fair, will transform 4 halls of Fiera Milano-Rho into a 50,000-square-metre mega-garden. "Green, sustainable and smart: this is the future we are outlining for companies, the sector and the country," explains Myplant & Garden, which is entering its eighth edition.

At MyPlant 2024, there will be space for innovation, new - resistant- varieties , green solutions in the broadest sense, from production to cultivation systems, from trees to new botanical varieties, to gardening trends (a hobby that fascinates 6 out of 10 Italians) of gardens - including therapeutic and inclusive gardens - and with a lot of focus on public space and green infrastructure. 

Bigger again

It will be an expanded edition of another 5,000 square metres compared to the previous MyPlant, with also the addition of outdoor areas for practical demonstrations, with 700 brands at the exhibition (20% from abroad), dozens of partner associations, 190 buyer delegations and 105 foreign companies accredited to visit from 40 strategic countries and 4 continents. 

A study produced by Myplant on Istat data in January 2024 shows double-digit growth (+11.4%) in Italian production of flowers and plants. Indeed, this makes Italy the second largest exporter on a continental level of these products. There are 17,000 farms and more than 45,000 hectares of land dedicated to Italian ornamental horticulture. Tuscany, Liguria, Sicily, Lombardy, Lazio, Puglia, Emilia-Romagna, Veneto and Piedmont respectively lead the ranking of Italian regions with the highest production value of the national ornamental plant sector. A value that has reached 3.14 billion euros, "the highest figure in the historical series over the past decade," according to Myplant.