KVBC Awards for 4 new plants


Four KVBC Awards were presented at the KVBC General Members' Meeting on 6 February. These were three new cultivars of Aster ageratoides and one new cultivar of Hydrangea paniculata, which were awarded a Gold, Silver or Bronze KVBC Award after field inspection in 2023.

KVBC Award Gold for Hydrangea paniculata 'LC NO16' (LIVING LITTLE ROSY) 

Hydrangea paniculata 'LC NO16' (LIVING LITTLE ROSY) has been bred and submitted for judging by Alex Schoemaker Living Creations bv from Boskoop. The plant has a remarkably compact and regular growth habit. The dark green leaves are healthy and remain so during flowering. The flower panicles relate well to the size of the plant. They are slightly open, allowing insects to reach the fertile flowers. 'LC NO16' shows a nice discolouration of the sterile decoy flowers.

KVBC Award Gold for Aster ageratoides 'Bocosir' (SIRIUS)

Aster ageratoides 'Bocosir' (SIRIUS) has been bred and submitted for inspection by Boot & Dart Boomkwekerijen bv of Boskoop. 'Bocosir' is a naturally bushy plant with root shoots, which suppresses weeds. The flowers have an attractive and renewing light violet colour and attract many bees. A notable feature is that this cultivar flowers about four weeks earlier than other A. ageratoides cultivars. The plant is resistant to powdery mildew.

KVBC Award Silver for Aster ageratoides 'Bocopollu' (POLLUX)

Aster ageratoides 'Bocopollu' (POLLUX) grows taller than 'Bocosir'. 'Bocopollu' further differs from 'Bocosir' with a lighter centre in the pale violet flowers. It is a bushy plant with weed-suppressing root shoots. This cultivar also attracts very many bees and is mildew resistant. 'Bocosir' was bred and submitted for testing by Boot & Dart Boomkwekerijen bv of Boskoop.

KVBC Award Bronze for Aster ageratoides 'Bocopola' (POLARIS)

Aster ageratoides 'Bocopola' (POLARIS) is a compact, white-flowering cultivar with fresh green leaves. This distinguishes 'Bocopola' from the lighter leaves of A. ageratoides 'Starshine'.  The plant is naturally bushy and grows lower than A. ageratoides 'Ashvi'. The short root shoots suppress weeds. Like the other award-winning cultivars, 'Bocopola' is resistant to powdery mildew. The white flowers are attractive to bees. Aster ageratoides 'Bocopola' (POLARIS) has been bred and submitted for testing by Boot & Dart Boomkwekerijen bv of Boskoop.

