Numerous novelties at well-attended Florall spring fair

At the spring edition of Florall, which took place at Waregem Expo on 5 March, 67 producers and 13 supply and export companies presented their spring offerings. This consisted of a fairly complete range of green and flowering indoor plants, in addition to all kinds of visually attractive plants with applications in the garden, on the terrace or in the living room.
The exhibitors were satisfied with the interest from domestic and foreign visitors. During this edition, an expert jury judged 12 new cultivars and 4 sales or marketing concepts.
Novelties and concepts
Among the new varieties, climate and future resistance, exceptional character, added value within the existing assortment, visual attractiveness and overall impression were assessed. Gold was awarded to Pyracantha coccinea 'Orange Star', an entry from the Dutch trade fair GrootGroenPlus, with which Florall cooperates. Silver went to Carpinus betulus 'Frank Lagaert', called a native Flemish bonsai by the judges. Finally, bronze went to Distylium 'Coppertone', a medium-height and very healthy evergreen shrub.
Among the new concepts, gold went to First Editions®, a series of 75 varieties sold under this same concept at the time they are presenting themselves at their best. Silver went to a banner highlighting the qualities of the ornamental grass Carex, which can be attached to the sales table. Bronze was for 'Plant of the future', which provides plant information via signs, labels and a supporting website.
The audience prize went to Agapanthus africanus 'White Willy'. Visitors were allowed to judge which new variety most appealed to them, and this richly flowering Agapanthus stole most hearts.
The autumn edition of Florall is scheduled for 20 August 2024. This will be a special edition, which will be used to celebrate the 30th anniversary of this professional trade fair.