MPS supports new direction of Royal FloraHolland: on the path to 100% certified ornamental horticulture
On 28 March, Royal FloraHolland announced that from 1 January 2026 the majority of members and suppliers of Royal FloraHolland will be certified in accordance with the requirements of the Floriculture Sustainability Initiative (FSI basket of standards), working towards being fully FSI compliant in 2027. MPS supports this initiative as a key step in making the ornamental horticulture industry more sustainable.
Thirty years ago, MPS was established by growers, for growers and has been helping producers throughout their sustainability journey ever since. "With our online tools and certificates for the environment (MPS-ABC), good agricultural practices (MPS-GAP) and good working conditions (MPS-SQ), certified companies meet all FSI requirements', states MPS.
"The MPS-ABC data reports and benchmarking give our 3,200 participating horticultural companies insight into their sustainability performance so they can see at a glance where they can make any adjustments to their operational management. At over 900 sites, growers have implemented the (safety) requirements of MPS-GAP and more than 300 companies worldwide are compliant with good working conditions in line with MPS-SQ.