Dahlia Dalina Maxi Starburst Pink wins FleuroStar Award 2024-25


During Fleuroselect 2024, the FleuroStar Award 24-25 was awarded to Florensis' Dahlia Dalina Maxi Starburst Pink. The jury stated, "Dalina Maxi Starburst Pink is a unique Dahlia with striking flower shape, attractive colour and high take-home appeal".

Marjolein Kuyucu-Lodder, International Trade Marketer and Hagen Kalläne, European Sales Manager accepted the award from Fleuroselect President Marc Driessen and Secretary General Ann Jennen. The evening was moderated by influencer Michael Perry. 

Dahlia Dalina Maxi Starburst Pink from Florensis competed against Calibrachoa MiniFamous Uno Bakari from Selecta one, Dahlia Hypnotica Candy Corn from Dümmen Orange, Petunia Painted Love Purple from Syngenta Flowers and Osteospermum Sunny Klaudia from Beekenkamp Plants.

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This stunning new Dahlia from Florensis attracts attention thanks to an abundance of unique, anemone-shaped flowers in an intense pink colour with a graceful pattern on the petals. Dalina Maxi Starburst Pink will undoubtedly stand out on the sales table thanks to its special flowers and ensure many impulse sales. Moreover, for even more appeal, this Dahlia can be combined very well with other colours from the series, which will boost sales even further.