Awarded novelties at Green is Life 2024

At the Polish floriculture trade fair Green is Life, awards were handed out for submitted novelties. The results included two Gold, one Silver and one Bronze award, as well as two honourable mentions. A total of 30 novelties were submitted for assessment.
Two Gold awards were given and these were to
Cornus kousa ‘Column 1 (FLOWER TOWER) ®
Submitter: ZYMON Szkółka Krzewów Ozdobnych
A variety obtained in the Netherlands with a hitherto unknown very narrow, columnar shape, perfect for small gardens. It grows up to 4 m high and 1 m wide. Upright main shoots and side branches. Elliptical, pointed, dark green, attractive leaves that turn red in autumn. Flowers are gathered in small capituli, resembling yellow-green pompoms, surrounded on the underside by four decorative white bracts. It flowers around May and June. The globular, red fruits, which ripen in September, resemble Chinese lychee fruits and are edible. The plant tolerates frost down to -18 degrees C. The variety is recommended for row planting, for solitary planting or in groups in gardens for individuals and estates. Winner of this plant marketed i 2023 is Marinus van Aart (NL). Hardiness zone: 6b -20/-18 °C
Miscanthus sinensis ‘Lady in Red ’ ®
Submitter: Szkółka SŁOWIŃSCY Krzysztof Słowiński
This is a Polish variety distinguished by an impressive change of leaf colours - from deep bottle green through intense burgundy to a bright red hue in autumn. It flowers from August and September with elegant, silvery-white inflorescences with dark purple anthers that contrast well with the colourful leaves. This grass grows 1.6 m tall. The variety is frost-resistant, tolerates temperature drops down to -28°C, is suitable for various uses in the garden, from solitary plantings to naturalistic compositions, and is an impressive, eye-catching decoration of green spaces. In winter, the inflorescences retain their down for a very long time, practically until they are cut off in spring. The winner of this plant marketed in 2024 is Krzysztof Słowiński, Poland. Hardiness zone: 5a -29/-27 °C
Cornus alba ‘Verpaalen3’( NIGHTFALL) ® Contributor: Szkółki KUROWSCY A variety obtained in the Netherlands that is quite unique due to the very dark autumn colour of the leaves. Winner: Henricus C.E.M. Verpaalen (NL). Introduced in 2024.
Sambucus nigra ‘SNR1292’ (LACED UP) ® Submitter: Szkółka SZMIT The first variety of this species with a very narrow, columnar and compact shape and dark purple, deeply incised leaves. The breeder of this plant introduced in 2019 is Phoenix Ornamentals Ltd, UK
Carex nigra ‘Balejaż’ (BALAYAGE) ® Contributor: OGRODY O ZIELONYCH PROGACH Przemysław Godlewski - Szkółka Bylin ‘Balejez’ os a Polish variety of the common Carex distinguished by attractive, bicoloured leaves resembling those of BALAYAGE. The winner is: Przemysław Godlewski, Poland. Year of market introduction: 2024.
Weigela florida ‘SMNWFBGV’ (VINHO VERDE) ® Entrant: Szkółki KUROWSCY This is an American variety that attracts attention with its interesting two-coloured leaves - lime green with a dark brown, almost black edge, and red flowers. Winner is Timothy D. Wood, USA. Year of market introduction: 2021
Gaultheria ‘HO120’ (FLO ® RRY) ® Submitter: Szkółka Roślin Wrzosowatych Róża Magdalena i Marek MAJEWSCYThis variety from Germany is a low-growing shrub with creeping shoots, covered with masses of white flowers in spring and red berries in autumn and winter.Winner of this plant introduced in 2023 is Hans-Peter Holz (D).
Sedum telephium ‘Florsegwl’ (LA VIE EN ROSE) ® Submitter: Gospodarstwo Specjalistyczne PANEK This is a variety obtained in the Netherlands with decorative, colourful leaves and impressive pink flowers. Winner is Florensis BV (NL) Year of introduction: 2023