Eight Flemish innovations at the IPM 2025


Flanders' presence at the IPM-fair will focus on typical Flemish products such as azaleas, rhododendrons, flowering houseplants, Flemish laurel and chrysanthemums as well as shrubs, young plants, bedding plants and nursery stock products. The flemish exhibitors also have eight new products on show: Deroose Plants, Hall 2 – Booth B25.8 presents Agave ‘Peace Revolution’, Alocasia ‘Serendipity Pink Variegata’, Guzmania ‘Chouette’, Nepenthes ‘Midnight’, Tillandsia ‘Mizuki‘. www.derooseplants.com Leybaert, Hall 2 – Booth B25.6 expands its range with die PWR plant Maximus and PWR plant Hercules. www.leybaert.be Rudy Raes Bloemzaden, Hall 2 - Booth B25.5 presents Primula acaulis ‘Flamenco Mix’.

The flemish exhibitors also have eight new products on show: Deroose Plants, Hall 2 – Booth B25.8 presents Agave ‘Peace Revolution’, Alocasia ‘Serendipity Pink Variegata’, Guzmania ‘Chouette’, Nepenthes ‘Midnight’, Tillandsia ‘Mizuki‘. www.derooseplants.com.

Leybaert, Hall 2 – Booth B25.6 expands its range with die PWR plant Maximus and PWR plant Hercules. www.leybaert.be,

Rudy Raes Bloemzaden, Hall 2 - Booth B25.5 presents Primula acaulis ‘Flamenco Mix’.

Allltogether 32 companies will participate on the Belgian stand.